
I am a data scientist and public policy analyst. Some of my current and recent projects are listed below. Find me on Twitter and get in touch at gisellecory@gmail.com

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Where the work is

Public policy and data analysis

Using open data to fight corporate corruption with DataKind and Global Witness to

Data science for the What Women Want 2.0 campaign

Family policy analysis, such as proposing options to the GLA for the future of childcare in London and successfully arguing for more sustainable childcare funding from DfE

Labour market analysis, focusing on maternal breadwinningmaternal labour supply and wage inequality between mums and dads

Housing policy analysis, including creating a housing affordability calculator for the BBC

More more more

I principally work in Python and its libraries for data analysis, and JavaScript and its libraries for visualisation.

I’ve worked with or for organisation such as IPPR, DoteveryoneResolution Foundation, Global Witness, Outlandish, the Fawcett Society, the Cabinet office and the Treasury

Here’s more on my publications, projects and media work

I do pro-bono data science for organisations striving for positive social impact, who know they want to do good things with data but don’t have the resources. If this is you, get in touch.

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